Friday, 28 November 2008

Functional Skills Subject silo's

I was training a group recently in one subject and a fairly heated discussion ensued about the impact of other subjects.  
Position 1.  My students are very capable of the vast majority of level 2 Mathematics but aren't spatially aware so itsn't fair that they won't pass level2 maths as it includes 2D to 3D representation.
Position 2.  My students can do maths but because they are required to read and write in the maths test, they won't be able to pass.

My view - it isn't about passing exams, it's about making students functional in the world of education, work and community.  And that pretty much means that students who can't read and write aren't functional irrespective of whether thay can do Functional Mathematics.  It isn't about compensation of some, it's about mastery of all.

Monday, 24 November 2008

BarCamp - Digital Sunderland

I'm going along to an "intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees" about IT in the Community tonight.

Never been to one before, don't know what to expect, I do hope that some people from the Community (Colleges, Students, etc) are there and I'm not the only one!

Still, everything to gain and nothing to loose.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

70 page jargon guide!

The LSN have just published a research report into jargon in post 16 education.
Would love to read it - got to useful and qould also make me smile.

Problem - it's 70 pages long - now that's jargon.

perhaps there's a market in summarising it?

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Edexcel cancel Computer based assessment for 09

I just seen on an education message board that Edexcel have delayed the implementation of computer based assessment for the IT Diploma at level 1, unit 1 and level 2, unit 1 until Janury 2010.

They are using paper based tests instead and It doesn't say whether this applies to all units or specifically to this one.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Students Love it!

For those of us who have the development of Diplomas over the last two years, this will come as no surprise at all.
TES reports that Mary Curnock-Cook of the QCA has told MPs that students love the Diplomas and teachers are keen to teach them.
Students are being enthused by the practical nature - I love that word ethused - that's exactly what the Diplomas should be doing.