Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Functional Skills Newsletter about Funding

November 27th - the Functional Skills newsletter
"As replacement qualifications, Functional Skills were funded at the same rate as Key Skills. This announcement acknowledges that Functional Skills are larger and more rigorous qualifications than Key Skills with greater demands for learners."
So in this week’s newsletter we have summarised the current position based on the SFA document and we have also analysed the other comments and supporting evidence that no doubt influenced the Government decision to double funding rates.
This week's webinar will go ahead on Wednesday at 4.00pm.  This week we're doing the "Functional Skills Policy Update" and that will include funding summaries.  Plus we have links to previous webinar recordings too – a reminder that you will need to login as a guest and the password is always password.
As always, your comments and thoughts are appreciated - let us know what you'd like us to cover in the newsletter by emailing the editor - jwells@guroo.co.uk

SFA Funding Rates for English and Maths qualifications
Where can I see the SFA document?
How is it being done?
For this year, the Standard Learner Number (SLN) value for Functional English and maths is being adjusted from 0.08 to 0.168 - an increase of 110%. So if you are funded by reference to the SLN, your rate will more than double.
When do the changes take effect?
Now is the short answer.  Providers claim through their existing 16-18 Apprenticeship budget and single Adult Skills Budget. 
What does this mean?
The table below is take directly from the SFA document and applies to 2012/13.  Providers funded through model 22 (typically FE Colleges using an unlisted rate) will see no change.

 Current Rate
 New Rate
 16-18 Apprenticeships
 19-24 Apprenticeships (plus employer contribution)
 25+ Apprenticeships (plus employer contribution)
 19+ Standalone delivered through Funding Model 45

Why the change and what happens next?

Rigorous qualifications for Maths and English are high on the Government agenda, of that there is no doubt. There has been a lot of pressure from the market including many high profile providers arguing the case for more funding, clear evidence from the Guroo sponsored Functional Skills Annual Survey showed an 80% increase in challenge, and the Governments own research through reports and committees.
Funding rates for next year will be announced in January 2013.  At the same time, a new simplified funding system will be introduced and to quote the SFA.
"Under simplification, each qualification will have a single rate which will make funding levels transparent and we will scrap the different funding models that exist between workplace and classroom based provision." 
 What others are saying
FE Week were quickly onto the story with additional comment from NIACE and The 157 Group.  Click here to link to the FE week piece.
There's an active discussion happening on the Functional Skills Network group in Linkedin.  Click here to read and perhaps even join!
NIACE warmly welcomes the news.  Click here to read more.
The AoC conference was where it was announced.  Click here for the Matthew Hancock speech.
Wednesday Webinar at 4.00pm
This week’s webinar is entitled "Functional Skills Policy Update".  Jonathan will take you through a 15 minute look at changes to Functional Skills Policy including Funding.
Email info@guroo.co.uk for joining instructions and then join Jonathan on Wednesday at 4.00pm
Previous webinars are recorded and available anytime for playback - login as a guest and the password is password.  Simply click on the links below and don’t forget, if you’d like to have your own 1:1 webinar looking at how Guroo can help you support Functional Skills, just call us on 0191 305 5045 or email info@guroo.co.uk and we’ll take it from there.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Funding for Functional Skills DOUBLED

Taken directly from Matthew Hancock’s speech at AOC today …. And that should have a very positive impact.

“Yet too many of our young people cannot read or write, or add up properly. This is a scandal and it must change.

We are reforming schools, and exams at 16, to make this happen. That great revolution will take a generation.

But we don't have a generation. And it often falls to you to pick up the pieces.

So to show the value we attach to English and Maths, and to make sure you've got the resources to deliver, today I'm announcing we are doubling the amount we pay for adult English and Maths functional skills, and for English and Maths within an Apprenticeship.

English and Maths are the foundation of learning and we must succeed.

These four priorities: traineeship, apprenticeships, standards, and qualification reform, they are all aimed four-square at raising the value, the esteem, and the regard of further education and skills.

Recognising only the best vocational qualifications. Increasing support for English and Maths.  Stronger Apprenticeships. And new traineeships to help young people into a job.”

Monday, 12 November 2012

November 13th - the Functional Skills newsletter

November 13th - the Functional Skills newsletter
Lots in the newsletter this week and we feature coverage of the BIS report into Apprenticeships published last week that essentially called for an improvement in standards to ensure that Apprenticeships were rigorous, worthwhile and on a par "with university".  Schools in particular are criticised for doing little to publicise them as an alternative learner option at 16+.
We also have news of a great value major new conference to be held in Birmingham in the New Year called "All Things Functional".  On the subject of events, OCR are running a series of half day events in Functional Skills and we have links to all those not completely "sold out" although the OCR events are free to join!
And finally, we have news of this week's webinar which will go ahead on Wednesday at 4.00pm.  This week we're doing the "Functional Skills Learner Journey".  Plus we have links to previous webinar recordings too – a reminder that you will need to login as a guest and the password is always password.
As always, your comments and thoughts are appreciated - let us know what you'd like us to cover in the newsletter by emailing the editor - jwells@guroo.co.uk
All Things Functional - 25th January, Birmingham
A major new event for everyone involved in Functional Skills and supported by all the major players in the market led by EM SKills and Industry Qualifications plus support from Guroo, Forskills, BKSB, Runway Training and Nelson Thornes.
The event, which is very competitively priced at £99, has been designed by practitioners for practitioners and as a delegate you will:
·         Hear from expert speakers about Functional Skills policy and funding
·         Have the opportunity to participate in three hours of Functional Skills training
·         Choose from an extensive range of workshops delivered by Functional Skills practitioners and industry experts
·         Hear about new approaches to the delivery and the assessment of Functional Skills
·         Receive information about new qualifications for Functional Skills practitioners and adult learners
·         See demonstrations of the most up-to-date Functional Skills resources 
·         Have the opportunity to network with other Functional Skills practitioners and experts

If you'd like further information, simply click here for the events page or email Paul Emmett.
"The development of functional skills should be a feature of, not a bar to, apprenticeships."
There has been a lot of press comment about Apprenticeships since the publication of the BIS report.
The title of this news item is a direct quote from the official report conclusions and recommendations. The quote is in paragraph 22.
This link will take you to the bdaily report on the publication giving a slightly different view.
And here's the BBC's take on the report.
The bottom line is that more focus needs to be applied to improve standards and to make sure they are rigorous and worthwhile and much more needs to be done in schools to offer them as an alternative to 16+ learners.
Free Functional Skills training events from OCR
A series of 6 events this month covering all subjects and levels aimed at experienced practitioners, heads of department, curriculum managers, centre assessors and professionals with an interest in Functional Skills.
These are half day events in London, and include updated materials focussed on innovative teaching and learning.  Just click on the links below to go to the relevant OCR Event Booking page.  And just in case you think we've accidently left Entry Level Maths off, sorry but that one has been and gone!
Levels 1&2 ICT - Getting to grips with delivery and assessment
Wednesday Webinar at 4.00pm
This week’s webinar is entitled "The Functional Skills Learner Journey".  Jonathan will take you through a 15 minute look at how the learner journey for a typical Functional Skills student is developing including a look at the very latest teaching and learning videos designed to support key concepts in Functional Skills.
Email info@guroo.co.uk for joining instructions and then join Jonathan on Wednesday at 4.00pm  
Previous webinars are recorded and available anytime for playback - login as a guest and the password is password.  Simply click on the links below and don’t forget, if you’d like to have your own 1:1 webinar looking at how Guroo can help you support Functional Skills, just call us on 0191 305 5045 or email info@guroo.co.uk and we’ll take it from there.
Guroo group and user admin  

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The Apprenticeships Report

“We heard evidence of excessive profits at the public’s expense, of a Government paying out too much money far too easily and of a lack of genuine value for money being provided by apprenticeship schemes. This is unacceptable.”
He concluded: “Young people in this country should be given every chance to fulfil their potential in school, in work and in life. An apprenticeships programme that is fit for purpose will help them do this."
I do hope this refers to the short course Morrison/Elmfield type programme that didn't have Functional Skills in existence a year ago - commented by Jonathan Wells of Guroo.

Monday, 5 November 2012

New adult quals

So OCR along with Ascentis and I think C&G have managed to get the new "little bits of Functional Skills" on the funded qualification list for adults.
Can they keep them out of schools?
Do they want to keep them out of schools?
Or will they become a backdoor easy to pass qualification for schools?
