Thursday, 13 December 2007

FS - bit different to what we thought?

Here's an interesting one. We had a get together of custoemrs in the office the other day and one of the big things talked aboiut was the the type of student that would do functional skills.

I was very surprsied to find out that the construction diploma was actually much more acadmic that you'd imagine. I would have thought (and maybe this was my prejudice) that it would focus on practical crfat skills and would appeal to those studnets who want to become skilled tradesman - after all there seems to a huge demand for this.

But the general feeling was that it was much more academic and aimed at the designer/architect/drawing end of the market.

If this is the case then it needs to appeal to those students who traditionally wouldn't consider a vocational stuydy route at post 16 - and what about those studnets who do want to become skills tradesman?

I feeling v ery slightly uneasy about this - expectations have been set and I don't know if they will be met.

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