Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Funding for Functional Skills DOUBLED

Taken directly from Matthew Hancock’s speech at AOC today …. And that should have a very positive impact.

“Yet too many of our young people cannot read or write, or add up properly. This is a scandal and it must change.

We are reforming schools, and exams at 16, to make this happen. That great revolution will take a generation.

But we don't have a generation. And it often falls to you to pick up the pieces.

So to show the value we attach to English and Maths, and to make sure you've got the resources to deliver, today I'm announcing we are doubling the amount we pay for adult English and Maths functional skills, and for English and Maths within an Apprenticeship.

English and Maths are the foundation of learning and we must succeed.

These four priorities: traineeship, apprenticeships, standards, and qualification reform, they are all aimed four-square at raising the value, the esteem, and the regard of further education and skills.

Recognising only the best vocational qualifications. Increasing support for English and Maths.  Stronger Apprenticeships. And new traineeships to help young people into a job.”

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