Monday, 6 January 2014

Confidence in Functional Skills

In the 2013 Functional Survey, with more than 400 respondents, part of the survey was about confidence.
Overall, 89% of all respondents are confident that they are fully training and prepared to deliver Functional Skills, a number that has been climbing steadily over the last three years.  Of perhaps more importance is in other areas of confidence in the qualification.
Confidence amongst respondents that Functional Skills is a rigorous (90%) and valuable (88%) qualification is extremely high.  What is possibly surprising is that the same group also reported that 66% of learners actually enjoy doing functional skills and 70% of tutors enjoy teaching it!

So there we have it, a rigorous, valuable qualification that both learners and tutors enjoy doing - all in all, a very resounding vote of confidence from the sectors!

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