Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Past Papers from AQA?

Here's an absoute stunner for all of us who spend our lives thinking and working in Functional Skills.

QCA insist that testing in Functional Skills "WILL NOT BE MULTIPLE CHOICE"

AQA on 4th March 09 update their web site and the latest speciman (note the term) is certainly not that but everything referred to as a past paper is multiple choice!  Even worse, the latest specimen papers are at the bottom of the screen and need a scroll down to be seen.

Just let me climb up onto my soap box here and then tell the AQA to get their act together. Leaving past papers on your site based on multiple choice quiestions confuses the bigger issue and does no-one - particularly the teachers - any favours at all.

The majority of teachers that I talk to relish the chance to do some proper teaching in Functional Skills and welcome the fact the the move away from exam factory is to be celebrated!

1 comment:

Alison Lones said...

I think the problem is made worse by the huge differences in Awarding Body approaches to assessment.

City & Guilds have example papers on their site that mirror the live papers.

Also, remember C&G assessments can be sat at any time. Which really helps during the pilot smaller cohorts can be entered and data analysed.