Monday, 22 February 2010

Nice to be popular

For three years, I've been writing a newsletter diligently every month or every two weeks as it now is. It is a slow burn but eventually, there is a little recognition to be had. After about 50 newsletters, the subscription level has risen from about 50 to 4000, the open rate from a few to many hundreds and the amount of comment we get back from none to lots.

It's even now got the attention of the "Authorities". Not in a bad way, but we are now getting asked to publicise events from exhibitions and conference to events from FSSP, QCDA and Exam bodies.

Maybe every one loves a trier, but it could also been that after 50 practices, we are now starting to get the Functional Skills newsletter (and it's baby brother the functional skills forum) from Guroo just about right. Here's hoping that success continues and I can continue to write for 14-19 education about Functional Skills news resources.

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