Monday 19 December 2011

Teachers beat the system too!

Taken from the Indy on Saturday

This isn't really news as such, more of a filler story in the time of slow news just before Christmas. Two things jump out at me:
  • It shows that Grade C GCSE is not proof or evidence or competence.
  • Teachers need a degree to get into a PGCE - how on earth did they pass a degree without basic competency in English and maths?
It also shows how teachers are being taught to the test - you don't suddenly become competent in English and maths by passing a very simple and straightforward test after 10+ failures.

The changes can't come too soon and the "teachers leader" who seems to intimate that knowing basic English and maths isn't relevant should hang their head in shame.

Oh - and lets not worry about designing tests for teachers, just use Level 2 Functional English and Functional maths as the test - easy!

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