enjoys its' most successful period ever.
Not really a surprise as in just 3
months Guroo has added amongst many other things:
- Almost 40 English, ICT and maths tutorial
videos - high quality, high impact and suitable for
tutors who need a refresh and learners developing new skills. Watch
one of the latest English videos "Reading between the lines"
about fact, opinion, bias and implicit meaning.
- Unique Exam Practice
questions that are proving incredibly popular with learners and tutors
alike (tutors especially like the detailed mark schemes on pdf, often
sharing these with learners).
- KISS Assess - a brand new simple and straightforward self
registered assessment tool that produces a full Functional Skills
diagnostic report - ideal for use to check skills in pre-recruitment and
pre-enrolment with prices starting at just 95p. Call us and we'll set-you up a free trial or webinar.
And don't forget that with Guroo you
get fantastic resources plus the most rigorous, comprehensive
Functional Skills assessment and diagnostic that takes the average student just
53 minutes per subject to complete - and it's available on-line, off-line and
on paper.
Since September almost 100,000
unique learners have used the Guroo system - more than 3
times as many as in the same period in the previous year, and Guroo measure
unique visitors who actually log-in (using Google Analytics), not
"users" who are registered on a database but never go anywhere near a
log in.
To celebrate, the Guroo guys have come
up with some extra special Christmas "pressies" for both old and new
customers. But as with all "pressies", we'll keep them wrapped and
secret, but you must "open" them in time for Christmas. So
whether you're considering adding more licences, or indeed joining Guroo for
the first time, call or email Cathy on 07595 120913 (Southern'ish based customers), Daisy on 07737 317735 (Northern'ish based customers), or Jonathan on 07753 822393 (anywhere, he doesn't mind).
But do it quickly, these offers are genuinely for Christmas only!