Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Guroo Curator™

Guroo Curator™ is almost ready to launch
Guroo Curator™ is a brand new part of Guroo 4.0 due for release quite shortly and as always, immediately available free of charge to all Guroo customers with all inclusive licences.
We've called it Guroo Curator™ to reflect the effort we have applied in searching and selecting free publicly available content for presentation that we think is high quality, consistent and relevant to Functional Skills and GCSE.  We've then tagged the content to the skills criteria so they will appear in all Guroo searches and added both an explanation and rating.
With Guroo Curator™, we're making your job of finding good quality additional resources easy, as well as adding new resources linked to those parts of the Functional Skills and GCSE skills that can be hard to address using e-learning.

So here's where you come in - we can't possibly search and review everything out there, so please let me know what resources you suggest we link into Guroo Curator™.  Simply email me with a URL and a few details and we'll take it from there.

Jonathan Wells
Guroo Ltd - the UK's best provider of Functional Skills Solutions (officially)!

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