Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Evidencing e-learning hours in maths and English

Evidencing e-learning hours
One part of the e-learning conversation is the percentage of time that learners can/should/do spend using on-line learning.  This is a subject that has been raised by Feltag who recommended (October 2013) that a portion of funding is allocated according to the amount of e-learning content in publically funded programmes.
At For Skills/Guroo, we've been doing quite a lot of research on behalf of customers into e-learning use for English and maths we've come up with some interesting stats.
  • For Skills and Guroo customers collectively recorded 3 million hours of e-learning
  • The marginal cost of e-learning delivery is significantly less than £1 per learner hour
  • "Upper quartile" users of e-learning in maths and English target 5 hours in assessment/review with an additional 15 hours for e-learning resource use

SkillsPortfolio - the UK's best regarded and most cost effective "full service" e-portfolio solution - is perfect for tracking e-learning usage across all qualifications, not just English and maths.  

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