Monday 13 July 2009

Level 3 Functional Maths

This doesn't exist, the argument being is that if you can show that you are functional at level 2 then you are functional, you can't become more functional!

But listening to my favourite radio show this morning (Radio 2 Johnnie Walker standing in for Terry Wogan) Johhnnie mentioned that the new maths A level "Using Maths" was causing some consternation amongst the acadmeic community.

Too right, sounds like a level 3 functional maths qualification to me.

But then again, perhaps we could ask those people who are supposed to be numerate (bankers, those insurance people who tell me that I'm lucky not to have lost more money on my endowmment policy, politicians who apparently think that a cut in funding is actually an increase - I could go on) to do this real life A level in Maths?

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