Monday 17 August 2009

Michael gove on Sunday AM

Michael Gove was on Sunday AM putting forward theories about education - especially performance tables. The basis of it all was that some A levels and GCSE were harder than others so they should carry more weight in assessing how well a student or school did. Absolutely true that some Universities discount certain "soft A levels" and it's true that you are unlikely to get into Durham University with A levels in Media Studies, Photography and Business Studies but how do you differentiate at the performance table level - that's a tough one to manage and a recipe for a great discussion about the merits of Maths over English Literature!

his second point was that the raw 5+A*-C GCSE pass tables were not representative as they allowed too much focus on C/D borderline and not enough on "good" and "poor" academic ability students. Again, we know this happens but we already have the value added measure and points measures and so on. The difficulty is coming up with something that is understandable and acceptable to the general public.

Good ideas, but not that much which is new?

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