Thursday, 23 January 2014

Another January, another BETT

Not really an exhibitor as such any more, as the market for Guroo is now FE and Training Providers supporting Apprentices, Functional Skills remains stubbornly under-represented in schools (at least for now).  But I am here on the C484 AKHTER stand adding value as part of their overall solution for secondaries and academies.

But I did manage to walk the show, it's oh so very big.  Themes?  Multitouch large screens and lots of them, mainly from Chinese manufacturers, I must admit, I don't entirely see the point but they must be getting orders or they wouldn't be here.  Lots of mobile devices - Samsung were busy with BYOD and they were managing the systems as you arrived with your tablet/mobile.  Quite a few assessment software companies too - maybe this is part of the move towards assessment and progress at all levels rather than just the focus on C/D borderline?  And lots of curriculum software too - as you'd expect.

What has gone - 3D has gone - that was big two years ago, it isn't noticeable now.

The biggest theme is international, this is no longer a UK schools show, it's totally international.

So no one stand out theme as far as I could tell, but the market must be healthy to support the money being spent here.  At an all up cost of pushing £1000 per sq m of stand sapce (this counts in stand build, people costs, stand space and so on), even a smaller 6 x 4 stand costs the company £25K for the week and the bigger stands - well, I can't see how they can ever return the money spent, but then again, one order for Dubai and that makes the difference I guess.


Monday, 20 January 2014

Simpler pricing from Guroo and GCSE support too!

Simpler pricing from Guroo, plus GCSE support now
The UK's best provider of solutions for Functional Skills has revised pricing and completely dropped the establishment fee for new customers which benefits everyone, but proportionally, it helps smaller providers most.
Under the new scheme, customers simply purchase the number of licences they need - whether that's 1 or 1000 - and because user licences typically last as long for as the learner is studying, there's no waste and no requirement to re-buy when a subscription period ends plus there are deals to be had for orders placed before Valentine’s Day - up to 15% off.

And in a further step to ensure great value, Guroo will be launching support for GCSE, with the first product, GCSE Assess already in trials.    

Want to know more - simply get in touch on 0191 3055045 or email

Guroo is the UK's best provider of Functional Skills solutions - official!

Strip benefits from claimants lacking skills?

Strip benefits from claimants lacking skills ....?
Interesting piece from the BBC this one and it shows that discussion around the focus on improving adult skills continues unabated.   Further, this is not a Conservative policy, it's actually from Labour who would like all claimants to take a basic skills test 6 weeks after they claim JSA.
But with a slight twist in the tail, the Conservatives also said;

"Labour are copying a Conservative policy that already exists and that is superior to the one they are proposing.  After 13 years of Labour running our education system, many young people looking for work do not have the English and Maths skills they need to get a job. That's why, starting in some areas at first, anyone aged 18 to 21 signing on without these basic skills will be required to undertake training from day one or lose their benefits." 

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Exhibitions, conferences, events in January 2014

Lots and lots happening in Functional Skills in January - see below.

AELP webinars
AELP have organised a series of webinars aimed at front-line staff who assist learners to improve their English and Maths skills, on a day-to-day basis within non-specialist provision – they are especially useful where those staff have limits to their own skills in these areas.
Developing your delivery of English and maths skills takes place on Tuesday January 21st at 2pm and can be booked on-line.
Developing your delivery of ICT functional skills takes place on Thursday 30th January at 2pm.  

AELP members pay £69 for each webinar which also includes access to the recording and presentation slides.

Major exhibitions - Learning Technologies, Skills Summit and BETT
It's that time of the year again, the exhibition season starts with BETT running from January 22-26 at the Excel Centre in London.  Jonathan Wells of Guroo will be there on stand C484 with partners Akhter Computers.  Guroo will be launching their latest product powered by Guroo - GCSE Assess, featuring full GCSE diagnostics and direct links to tutorial videos.  If you’d like to know more about what Guroo is doing for GCSE, simply email us and we'll keep you up to date!

The week after, Guroo are off to Olympia on stand 329 for the joint Learning and Skills / Learning Technologies exhibition.  It takes place on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th.

Guroo will also be taking an active part at the Skills Summit in Central London on Tuesday 28th January.  This is a high level conference, speakers include the Minister for Skills, Matthew Hancock.

Maths and English Skills Conference
Of direct interest to those involved in Functional Skills will be this EMSkills organised conference in Birmingham on Friday 30th January.
The previous events have been very well attended, speakers this month include Stewart Segal of AELP, Barry Brooks and Maureen Emmett.  The theme of this conference is policy and practice.
Guroo (the UK's best provider of Functional Skills solutions) will be there as usual, as will (we believe) all the other providers of Functional Skills resources.  This conference in the past has been a great opportunity to compare offers from all providers, take this chance to find out why Guroo is the best!

Guroo Webinar Recordings

Guroo webinar recordings
All previous webinars are recorded and available anytime for playback - login as a guest and the password is password.  Simply click on the links below and don’t forget, if you’d like to have your own 1:1 webinar looking at how Guroo can help you support Functional Skills, just call us on 0191 305 5045 or email and we’ll take it from there.

Monday, 6 January 2014

The sectors best providers ....

the 2013 Annual Functional Skills survey attracted more than 400 respondents.  A key area of questions  in the survey was about providers: 
The survey asked respondents to nominate the best provider across seven key areas of provision, choosing from BKSB, ForSkills, Guroo and Tribal.  The results of the survey from all seven categories are:
  • Best for ease of use - 1st BKSB, 2nd Guroo
  • Best for engaging learners - 1st Guroo, 2nd ForSkills
  • Best for initial assessment - 1st BKSB, 2nd Guroo
  • Best for support - 1st Guroo, 2nd Tribal
  • Best for teaching and learning resources - 1st Guroo, 2nd Tribal
  • Best for experience - 1st BKSB, 2nd Guroo
  • Best for pricing - 1st Guroo, 2nd BKSB

So with four "firsts" and three "seconds", Guroo came out on top by a considerable margin, and amongst work based training providers, the results were stronger with five "firsts" and two "seconds".

Independent evidence and proof, if you needed it, that Guroo really are the best!

Awarding Organisations and Functional Skills

Based on 377 completed responses to the Functional Skills survey and note that some institutions will use more than one AO so the results will not add up to 100%, the results are:

City and Guilds are the most popular choice with a market share of 49%, followed by Pearson (Edexcel) with 36%, OCR on 17% and Pearson (EDI) 14%. "Others" accounted for 26% market share but no company exceeded 5% market share on an individual basis.

Looking just at the FE sector, EDI are much less prevalent whilst OCR and Edexcel get higher market shares, it's the other way round in work based learning where EDI and City & Guilds both increase their market shares. 

Overall, the Awarding Organisations should be pleased with the customer satisfaction ratings from the respondents with more than 80% describing themselves as very or quite happy.  Of particular note are EDI and OCR who both nudged 90% satisfaction by this measure.

Confidence in Functional Skills

In the 2013 Functional Survey, with more than 400 respondents, part of the survey was about confidence.
Overall, 89% of all respondents are confident that they are fully training and prepared to deliver Functional Skills, a number that has been climbing steadily over the last three years.  Of perhaps more importance is in other areas of confidence in the qualification.
Confidence amongst respondents that Functional Skills is a rigorous (90%) and valuable (88%) qualification is extremely high.  What is possibly surprising is that the same group also reported that 66% of learners actually enjoy doing functional skills and 70% of tutors enjoy teaching it!

So there we have it, a rigorous, valuable qualification that both learners and tutors enjoy doing - all in all, a very resounding vote of confidence from the sectors!