Monday, 20 January 2014

Strip benefits from claimants lacking skills?

Strip benefits from claimants lacking skills ....?
Interesting piece from the BBC this one and it shows that discussion around the focus on improving adult skills continues unabated.   Further, this is not a Conservative policy, it's actually from Labour who would like all claimants to take a basic skills test 6 weeks after they claim JSA.
But with a slight twist in the tail, the Conservatives also said;

"Labour are copying a Conservative policy that already exists and that is superior to the one they are proposing.  After 13 years of Labour running our education system, many young people looking for work do not have the English and Maths skills they need to get a job. That's why, starting in some areas at first, anyone aged 18 to 21 signing on without these basic skills will be required to undertake training from day one or lose their benefits." 

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