Thursday, 23 January 2014

Another January, another BETT

Not really an exhibitor as such any more, as the market for Guroo is now FE and Training Providers supporting Apprentices, Functional Skills remains stubbornly under-represented in schools (at least for now).  But I am here on the C484 AKHTER stand adding value as part of their overall solution for secondaries and academies.

But I did manage to walk the show, it's oh so very big.  Themes?  Multitouch large screens and lots of them, mainly from Chinese manufacturers, I must admit, I don't entirely see the point but they must be getting orders or they wouldn't be here.  Lots of mobile devices - Samsung were busy with BYOD and they were managing the systems as you arrived with your tablet/mobile.  Quite a few assessment software companies too - maybe this is part of the move towards assessment and progress at all levels rather than just the focus on C/D borderline?  And lots of curriculum software too - as you'd expect.

What has gone - 3D has gone - that was big two years ago, it isn't noticeable now.

The biggest theme is international, this is no longer a UK schools show, it's totally international.

So no one stand out theme as far as I could tell, but the market must be healthy to support the money being spent here.  At an all up cost of pushing £1000 per sq m of stand sapce (this counts in stand build, people costs, stand space and so on), even a smaller 6 x 4 stand costs the company £25K for the week and the bigger stands - well, I can't see how they can ever return the money spent, but then again, one order for Dubai and that makes the difference I guess.


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